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The Logistics and Transportation Sector


Tension on the labor market Source: CBS We want people within a company to be happy and new vacancies to be filled properly and quickly. As a company you can really make a difference in this area and recruitment marketing can play an important role in this. Strangely enough, recruitment marketing in 2024 is just the beginning for many companies. Of course, a lot of time and money is invested in recruiting new customers with online marketing, but this does not always apply to finding new people within the company.

There is much to gain

There is often already a career website . There is some advertising on Indeed and vacancies are Sweden WhatsApp Number Data via social media channels. It often ends there quickly. How many companies are data-driven in this entire process? Does AB testing take place on a constant basis with vacancy texts or career websites? Are all conceivable online resources and channels used to find new colleagues? There is often still a lot to be gained there. The differences in how seriously this is taken are particularly large between companies. So you can achieve a big advantage here.

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It therefore seems a logical consequence

That investments in recruitment marketing will Estonia WhatsApp numbers list in the coming years. 8. Privacy and data challenges Since the beginning of the internet, many people and companies have worked hard to continually improve user experience and relevance. Personalization used to be a development, but has now actually become a matter of course. Users simply assume that advertisements and information will be displayed in a personalized manner.


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