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They Cannot Sell the Product to the Computer Company

Voice is also very popular among teenagers. They grow up with it. More than 55% (!) of teenagers use voice search on a daily basis. 11.5% of smart speaker owners now use it at least once a month to carry out a transaction. Many open questions are asked via voice (‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘where’). The voice business model is of course extremely interesting. However, it can also pose challenges for a company like Google.

The billions in Google’s annual accounts are

Still mainly the result of the millions of visitors that Google manages to send to South Africa WhatsApp Number Data all over the world every day. Voice creates a completely different reality. In that case, Google does not so much send visitors after a click, but could, for example, earn based on a percentage when a purchase takes place. This creates many opportunities, but at the same time also many challenges for many advertisers. That is precisely why it is important and interesting to experiment with this, so that you have the opportunity to lead the way in the voice field.

WhatsApp Number List

Audio advertising The use of online audio only

Continues to grow. On the one hand because Egypt WhatsApp Numbers List users naturally listen to music via Spotify or YouTube, but increasingly also because more and more people listen to podcasts. Often, as consumption grows, advertisers’ interest in a channel quickly follows suit. Digital audio expenditure is still relatively limited, but the growth rates unmistakably show that interest among advertisers to be active within this channel is growing.



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