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WhatsApp Number List

Shoot With Bullet Points

The model can also be a particularly interesting additional revenue model for these platforms, because, for example, a percentage can be generated on every purchase. A development to keep an eye on. 4. Voice: users speak more As I shared earlier, in the past year everyone has clearly seen how quickly the development of artificial intelligence can go. The development of voice also has a lot to do with this, as voice can also become increasingly better due to rapid developments in AI. Through smart use of AI, speech technology is increasingly able to understand what you say and what you actually mean when you ask a question. As a result, technology is increasingly able to provide good answers.

If technology provides better answers

To your questions, use is also expected to increase significantly. This causes the flywheel to rotate. More Singapore WhatsApp Number Data should result in even more improvements with AI. Facts and figures surrounding voice Companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon have been investing billions of dollars in voice for years. That is of course not without reason. A number of facts at a glance : According to the National Center for Voice and Speech in the US, people speak an average of 150 words per minute and type an average of about 40 per minute.

WhatsApp Number List

Search queries performed via

Voice are on average a lot longer. The Google Assistant already has Ecuador WhatsApp Numbers List than 500 million (!) users around the world. The Google Assistant is already built into more than 1 billion devices. Google Assistant can now be used in 30 languages, in more than 90 countries around the world. Groceries appear to be very popular as a purchase via voice. More than 20 percent of all voice purchases now consist of groceries.

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