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You Are a Changemaker an Impact Maker

The Digital Growth Community Newsletter Become a member Blog Academy Jobs Events Knowledge base agenda About Search for … All products Online marketing Content Social Communication Submit article CAREER Hey scale-up, just got back from CES? This is how you maintain the momentum 1.1k like bookmark Patrick Weekers from TEAM LEWIS 1.1k February 2, 2024 at 1:00 PM 5 minutes reading New on Keep your good intentions alive with these tips & tools Sat Want to make a podcast smarter? Use these AI tools Fri 5 tips to prepare your presentation in a short time Fri Months of work, preparations, training and coaching preceded it, and then the time has come: CES.

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Fair in the world, American style. Once back on (sober) Dutch soil, reality strikes. How do USA Phone Number Data prevent what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, and that you don’t end up in the office with a hangover? Your business and marketing plans, which have been carefully drawn up, now face the ultimate test: are they still relevant? This article is for all tech scale-ups of today. You are swamped by everyone you speak to at CES. There was also a considerable delegation of young Dutch tech companies. “Everyone is here ,” was the headline from De Telegraaf’s tech journalist.

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CEOs, journalists maybe even a few

Royals who want a photo with you. And everyone says that your product is ‘ awesome’ and France phone number list you will become the next Apple, Google or Facebook. At some point you believe it yourself. How could it be different? You have a great idea and the world needs to know about it! Jump on the Hype Train Now (There’s No Time to Lose) The shine of CES is fading quickly. Time will fly by and you will be forgotten again. To keep your scale-up in the spotlight, you need to make progress now while it’s still fresh in your memory. A little insider tip: there is no magic formula, but everything starts with consistent communication with your target group. ‘Feed the Beast ‘, that’s what we call it in marketing and PR.

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