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This Leap Has Meant That Companies

Not only in the short term, but certainly also in the long term. The potential impact can be particularly large on the retention side. In my opinion, many conversational commerce developments are only just beginning. Conversational commerce is an area where AI can play a crucial role, greatly expanding the possibilities. 10. Visual search and multisearch It can be very useful for users to use visual search. For example, if you as a user want to get more specific results in relation to a certain image. Especially in certain places where many users come to gain inspiration, the potential of visual search is often already great. That is not without reason. It also simply works exceptionally well and conveniently.

Technology behind these search engines

Platforms is simply becoming increasingly better able to identify many billions of images and other relevant results based on them. Some examples in the field of visual search: Pinterest previously introduced Lens. With Lens from Pinterest you have the opportunity to take a Vietnam WhatsApp Number Data of a specific product and find out where you could buy that product. You can also search for similar products or view pinboards of related items. Google has been active with Google Lens for a long time . Using Google Lens, you can perform searches using your camera or an image. With Bing Visual Search it is also possible to search for a specific part of an image.

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For example, if you have a specific

Image of a living room and particularly like the sofa in question, you Germany WhatsApp Number List search for this sofa with Bing Visual Search. Google made Google Lens figures public some time ago . Google Lens now appears to be used no less than 8 billion times every month. Google Lens Source:oekdracht/ Google continues to make major strides in the field of visual search with MultiSearch. Google wants to make visual search even more natural and does this with the help of MultiSearch. This allows you, among other things, to use an image and then add text to it.



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