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Here are some: Don’t complain for a weekDo you have one of those days when everything goes wrong? Your sleeve gets stuck on the door handle? You forgot your wallet in the supermarket? Good luck with maintaining this resolution! Exercise at least 3 times a week. An invitation for a nice drink with colleagues? Still want to watch an extra episode of your series? Sometimes it just doesn’t quite work out.About 300 people voted on the LinkedIn poll and the outcome was as follows: LinkedIn poll for good intentions We also asked what your good intentions are and what helps you achieve these goals. I’ll list a number of them for you.


Do not drink alcohol for at least 10 weeks.

Just order a soft drink or a 0.0% at all those drinks and parties. I’m sure you won’t be tempted, right? Don’t worry so Belgium Phone Number Data about everything anymore. Your head is normally working overtime, but then you just turn it off for a while. Easier said than done? Set your alarm fifteen minutes earlier every day. But it’s still dark outside and your bed feels like a warm hug. That snooze button has now become very attractive. Or walking every morning. This of course sounds feasible and wonderful.

Phone Number Data

But rain, wet snow, hail

Wind force 7 do not help. Take this with a grain of salt, but see whether your Argentina phone number list intentions are feasible and remain realistic . Then you are more likely to stick with them and there is not so much pressure (talking about stressing). Our community New Year’s resolutions are personal for everyone and can differ greatly from each other. Maybe you want to exercise more, learn a new skill, have less screen time or think more positively. We asked our community what their good intentions are about.

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